Baltimore Ravens/ Maryland Lottery Storyboards

A strange thing happens to me from time to time...  One of my long-standing sources of income has been drawing storyboards for television commercials.   They are usually very quick turn-around jobs and are pretty much forgotten once they leave the studio.   I'm not much of a tv watcher, but occasionally I'll sit down to catch a piece of a football game this time of year.  Last night that strange experience came up where a commercial I had never seen before came on, followed by a very weird deja-vu feeling... and then I remembered "Hey-  I drew that!"   This time it's an ad for the Maryland lottery.  Here are some of the frames below that were drawn many months ago:


Baltimore Ravens themed Lottery Illustration

Quick overnight spot illustration for Baltimore Ravens-themed Maryland Lottery tickets and billboards. Digitally painted in Photoshop. This was one of those fairly normal advertising agency situations where the assignment was given to me many weeks in advance but was put on "hold", and then one afternoon a frantic email shows up saying "It's a go- We need it by tomorrow morning!!!" Fortunately, it went pretty quickly and I was able to go to bed on time. Thank you internet for multiple references shots!
