Set Cuteness to Ultimate Velocity...

So... this puzzle company, whom I'm very happy to be working with,  keeps pushing the themes to a sweeter and sweeter cute-osity level.   I don't know what's happening to me as an artist... I crossed the boundaries of coolness years ago and am now in a foreign land where kittens and ducklings are napping together.


Puzzle illustration: "Hide and Seek"

The theme of this puzzle series is young animals playing games together.  (Awwwwwww!!)  Puzzle illustrations in this cute and somewhat realistic style have a been an ongoing thing around here for the past couple years.  At first it seemed kind of an odd direction for me as my artistic tastes are mostly in the wild in wacky realm, but after a while I found myself really enjoying making these sweet innocent images.  I'm actually really starting to love it..  Its hard to have a bad day when you're painting kittens and puppies.
